Increase Telemedicine Adoption

My Role

  • Quantitative Research
  • Hypothesis Test Design
  • Findings Analysis


Product team members had the idea that education would increase adoption. We established a baseline to conduct further hypothesis tests.


How can we increase the use of telemedicine?

Very few people use Telemedicine, but the people who do are very positive in their experience. The product team had a theory that if we can increase education, usage will increase.

Solution Overview

  • 51% would try or consider Telemedicine after education
  • 16% would try Telemedicine after seeing the flyer
  • 35% were consider Telemedicine, but need more information
  • Age and parental status had little impact on the decision to use Telemedicine


  1. Create study to establish baseline
  2. Recruited people who had not used Telemedince
  3. Measure the response after education

Designed test to establish baseline

Created a scenario that was a perfect time to call telemedicine. Also, created a flier to educate participants about telemedicine. The survey included some initial questions, then the scenario, and finally the flier.

opioid summary

Baseline: 16% would use telemedicine

A 16% increase in telemedicine would help many people and lower the cost of care significantly. In addition, an additional 35% of people want to use it, but need further information.

opioid table of people

Did age or parental status impact the results?

Parents were only slightly more likely to consider telemedicine. Non-parents were slightly more likely to try it. Age did not have much of an impact.

opioid summary

Sean Gallivan's ridiculously simple signature. Seriously, it is just an X. Why would I put this online anyway? Do I have no fear?

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