Identify the Biggest Risks to CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) App Usage

Image of findings presentation thumbnails

My Role

  • Desk Research
  • Stakeholder Research
  • Lean UX Canvas workshop facilitation
  • Quantitative survey design and analysis


The objective of this project was to inform the minimum viable product (MVP) development and help the CKD app design team successfully integrate the digital app with the overall CVS CKD solution. ​


What is the biggest risk to the success of a new CKD management app?

I had four weeks to define the late-stage CKD audience’s medical and technology needs in order to help the CKD app design team align the specified features with the needs and capabilities to provide value to the target audience.


  1. Conducted initial Lean UX Canvas workshop
  2. Collected the design team's questions
  3. Tested, and analyzed findings
  4. Presented the findings as a contextual kick-off to a muti-disciplinary design workshop

Conducted initial Lean UX Canvas workshop

The day after finding out that I was going to work on this project, I drew a Lean UX canvas using blue painters’ type on the whiteboard, gathered the team and conducted an ad-hoc workshop to determine the team’s baseline understanding of the business problem, solution and risks.

I like using the Lean UX canvas because; it is part of SAFe and because it forces teams to come to a consensus on the problem they are solving and the specific people they are solving it for - rather than just throwing out a ton of solutions.

Image of initial lean ux canvas

Collected the design team questions

I had a short time, so I spent four days collecting product team questions, defining clearly the objective of each question, and prioritizing them. I did not have time for follow-up research - so it was critical that we got answered what was important. After that exercise, I Identified the method to answer each question. It turned out that a 65% of questions could be answered through subject matter expert interviews. The rest could be gathered through desk research and validated with surveys.

Image of list of team questions

Conducted research and analyzed findings

Created a presentation that answered every question, identified all discovered risks, and showed major themes.

Image of Spacy extraction summary

Research findings kicked-off the project

Presented the findings as a contextual kick-off to a multidisciplinary design workshop including clinicians and product experts.

Image of list of team questions

Research also supported the team going forward

The research also allowed the team to conduct a weekly iterative design session. These featured moderated input sessions every Thursday, and the entire team was able to collaboratively take notes on the findings.

Images of workshop

Sean Gallivan's ridiculously simple signature. Seriously, it is just an X. Why would I put this online anyway? Do I have no fear?

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