Increase Sales of a Mental Health App to Employers

My Role

  • Research
  • Literature Review
  • Ideation
  • Faciliation
  • Information Design
  • Visual Design


Discovered that CFO approval was the largest bottleneck because they wanted the program to tie to financial results.


The sales team was frustrated. Although sales to medical carriers were going well, employer prospects had long sales cycles and a lower close rate.

A mental wellness app based on cognitive behavioral therapy had strong sales to carriers. These sales out-paced sales to individual employers by a large amount.

Employer close rates were low and the average sales cycle was over a year. This was confusing because the employers who used the tool with their people through carriers were extremely positive.

Solution Overview

  • Discovered that CFO approval was the largest bottleneck
  • The CFO's wanted the program to tie to financial results
  • The team linked claims cost data to app performance
  • I created a unique dashboard to highlight the financial results
  • Trained the sales team to engage prospects with the dashboard for quicker internal approvals


  1. Define the problem: map out the sales process in detail and understand what is causing the sluggish close rate.
  2. Find ways to change the employer purchase experience to address those challenges.
  3. Use cold outreach to discuss potential issues and drill down to the solution that has the best product-market fit.
  4. Prototype and test solution.
  5. Build feature(s) - Measure close rate and adapt.

Customer Journey Map - Sales

A customer journey map is a representation of every experience customers have with your product and team. I started by taking the sales team through a journey map exercise to understand where the employer sales roadblock may be.

Getting the CFO to review and approve the contract is where many of the deals slowed or stopped.

We had our target.

mental health app sales
mental health app sales

Quick Sketches Validated with Cold Outreach

Out of the many ideas, we decided to test a Mental Health dashboard. This would show extremely well in sales situations. The idea tested well with cold outreach to C-Suite executives.

Cold outreach is a process where you ask for a meeting to discuss the problem being addressed. If a high percent of contacts say that they will talk to you - it is a good indication that the problem is worth solving.

During these conversations it became clear that costs were critical to the value of this reporting.

Adobe XD Wireframes and More Testing

Requested and received a few data points to model that would allow us to report on costs and integrated them into the report.

In early prototypes, the employer HR teams were very clear that no matter whatever format we supplied the reporting - they were going to translate it into PowerPoint. So, we provided PowerPoint as our reporting tool.

A suggestion that came from internal stakeholder reviews was, can we "push" this report “push” rather than have the benefit managers need to take action? We designed a mobile app that alerted and sent the report and allowed the user to opt out.

mental health app sales

Final Design Concept

The final design features a push to the HR manager’s mobile, claims cost data integrated with mental wellness information, all with a unique PowerPoint interface.

This report is designed to be effective during the sales process, as well as the ongoing value measurement for exisiting clients.

mental health app sales

Sean Gallivan's ridiculously simple signature. Seriously, it is just an X. Why would I put this online anyway? Do I have no fear?

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